The Sisterhood of Avalon
Remembering, Reclaiming, Renewing
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The Sisterhood of Avalon has been presenting our powerful, immersive Avalonian Training Intensives in North America and Great Britain since 1998. These four-day residential intensives provide women with the opportunity to learn Avalonian ritual, techniques, tools, and philosophy in an experiential and supportive environment. Come to connect with the Goddesses of Avalon, immerse yourself in the transformational spiritual traditions of the Celtic Britons, and learn how to heal and empower yourself as you align with the Cycles of the Universe.

Foundation: Seeking Avalon Within

Seeking Avalon Within is for all women seeking the Ways of Avalon. For newcomers to the Goddess Path, it is an excellent starting point; for women who have been engaged in this journeying, it is sure to deepen connections both with the Lady and with the self, from an empowering Avalonian perspective. Seeking Avalon Within presents the foundation work needed for all of the SOA’s Intensive offerings, and is open to all women, members and non-members alike.

The Realm Intensives


Realm of Land

Journey through the archetypal landscapes of the Realm of Land — the physical plane where the majority of our conscious experiences occur. This is the Realm of manifestation and the dwelling place of plants, animals, elementals and entities connected to the land. This intensive opens the inner pathways to a holistic and uniquely Avalonian Healing System and begins our exploration of the Lunar Mysteries of the Avalonian Tradition. Members of the SOA who have attended Seeking Avalon Within (or Calling the Barge) are welcome to attend.

Realm of Sea

Journey through the archetypal landscapes of the Realm of Sea, the dwelling place of the Ancestors, the Underworld to which souls return before again seeking manifestation; the maternal waters of birth and rebirth and sacred Cauldron of the Goddess. The Realm of Sea Intensive is a deepening of our immersion into the Avalonian Mysteries and the wisdoms of Celtic British Spirituality. Members of the SOA who have attended the Seeking Avalon Within Intensive are welcome to attend.


Realm of Sky

Journey through the archetypal landscapes of the Realm of Sky, the abode of the Divine; the final destination of souls who have completed the cycle of bound and rebound, rejoining the All once more. This intensive builds upon The Realm of Land and The Realm of Sea, bringing together tools and techniques to assist in personal exploration of the Avalonian Tradition, while also learning to serve the Holy Isle and its Sisters as a facilitator of the path for others. Members of the SOA who have attended The Realm of Land Intensive and The Realm of Sea Intensive are welcome to attend.

Goddess Immersions

The Sisterhood of Avalon is pleased to present our newest in-person offering — a series of Goddess Immersion Retreat experiences. Focusing on each of our five Goddesses in turn, each immersion will see women gather to remember her mythic and historic legacy, reclaim the power inherent in her story, and renew our connections to the transformational lessons she holds for us. Through ritual, deep journey work, sacred drama, music and song, creative expression, and oracular mysteries, we will work to forge a profound and lasting relationship with our beloved Goddesses.

General Information

Download our general information packet

The intensives run from Thursday evening through to Sunday noon. Time will be spent both in experiential workshops and in quiet devotion and inner work. You will return home with tools for self-exploration and for connection to the Goddess within you. Seeking Avalon Within is the foundational intensive and is open to all women.  The requirements for other intensives are as follows:

  • Goddess Immersions – Seeking Avalon Within prerequisite and SOA Membership required
  • Realm of Sea or Land – Seeking Avalon Within prerequisite and SOA Membership required
  • Realm of Sky – *Application Only*; Seeking Avalon Within, Realm of Land, and Realm of Sea are prerequisites and SOA Membership required

2023 Intensives Calendar

We hope to be able to share our upcoming intensives calendar soon.


Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our monthly “The Barge” newsletter for announcements.

Please feel free to contact our Intensives Coordinator at if you would like any additional information.

About the Facilitator

Jhenah Telyndru holds an MA in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity St. David, and has a bachelor’s degree in archaeology. The founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon, Jhenah’s published works include Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner WisdomThe Avalonian Oracle: Spiritual Wisdom from the Holy Isle, and Rhiannon: Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons. Jhenah teaches four day residential training retreats around North America and the UK, and facilitates pilgrimages to sacred sites in the British Isles and Ireland through Mythic Seeker Tours. She is a frequent presenter and guest speaker at academic conferences, religious symposia, Women’s Spirituality gatherings, and Pagan festivals. Co-facilitator of Ithaca Red Tent, and co-coordinator of local World Goddess Day events, Jhenah also teaches workshops on writing, tarot, Celtic Paganism, and the Divine Feminine in Ithaca, New York. A priestess in the Avalonian Tradition for almost 30 years, Jhenah has been active in the Goddess Spirituality movement since 1986.


Jhenah welcomes your contact through her website: