The Sisterhood of Avalon
Remembering, Reclaiming, Renewing
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2022 Women in Magic Conference

The Coracle

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  • Zoom
  • October 1, 2022
  • Saturday, 10:45 AM to 5:00 PM

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2022 Women in Magic Conference


Saturday, 10:45 AM to 5:00 PM
October 1, 2022


2022 Women in Magic Conference


Saturday, 10:45 AM to 5:00 PM
October 1, 2022


Throughout the course of history and all over the world, there has always been a strong connection between women and the arts of magic, the realms of enchantment, and the most hidden of mysteries. This connection persists to the present day, and like our magical foremothers, modern magical women serve in many roles and are known by many names; they are priestesses and oracles, witches and wise women, sorceresses and enchantresses, magicians and occultists.

In honor of those who have come before us, and to celebrate the many paths and traditions of magic practiced by women today, The Coracle and the Sisterhood of Avalon are proud to sponsor the Women in Magic Conference 2022. This inaugural event will be held virtually on Saturday, October 1st. 

We have gathered together a diverse array of woman teachers, leaders, authors, and practitioners from a variety of magical traditions. The Women in Magic Conference will feature several dynamic workshops, an enriching keynote presentation, and a vibrant panel discussion where our guests will explore an array of topics from a broad spectrum of spiritual, magical, and occult perspectives.


Brandy Williams

Brandy is an author and founder of Sisters of Seshat, a sororal order of the Western Magical Tradition. She is a Wiccan high priestess, a Pagan magician and a Tantric yogini. She is a past president of Covenant of the Goddess and has worked with the Golden Dawn group Temple of Light and Darkness and with Ordo Templi Orientis. Learn more about Brandy below.


    • Clio Ajana
    • Laurelei Black
    • Najah Lightfoot
    • Rev. Tamara Suida
    • Jhenah Telyndru
    • Brandy Williams



Clio Ajana – Hecate, Boundaries, and Tarot

Many who come to Hecate are from differing paths. As a Goddess of the Crossroads and Queen of Magic, Hecate is a powerful conduit for looking at boundaries in all areas of our lives. Using the elements, tarot, and meditation, this ritual brings forth Hecate to help those who seek her help with finding where boundaries are weak, overly strong, and where life can be improved. In this ritual workshop, participants experience Hecate’s guidance through tarot and guided meditation. For those new to understanding or devotion to Hecate, this is an excellent opportunity to explore in a safe space. There will be time to share successes and connections at the end.


Laurelei Black – Priestess-Princess: Women and the Royal Arts of Theurgy & Thaumaturgy

Magic has sometimes been called the “Royal Art,” largely due to the propensity in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world (and later in Early Modern Europe) for practices like theurgy and thaumaturgy to be reserved only for members of the royal house — or their designees. Women have taken an active part in these arts, though history and folklore have more readily recorded their gifts and contributions as something different than their fathers and brothers — usually as poetry, witchcraft, and even prostitution. Join Laurelei Black for a look behind the veil that has shrouded the power and impact of these mighty women of magic.



Brandy Williams – is the author of The Woman Magician and founder of Sisters of Seshat, a sororal order of the Western Magical Tradition.

She is a Wiccan high priestess, a Pagan magician and a Tantric yogini. She is a past president of Covenant of the Goddess and has worked with the Golden Dawn group Temple of Light and Darkness and with Ordo Templi Orientis.

Her books include For the Love of the Gods, Cord Magic, and Practical Magic for Beginners.

She teaches at magical conferences around the world and appears regularly on the Living Theurgy forum hosted by Hercules Invictus which brings teachers of theurgy together in public conversation.

She is a master gardener and sings with the Medieval Womens Choir. She lives in Washington state with her partners Alex and Ted, two cats and a dog.

Social Media:


Clio Ajana – is a practitioner of Baltic Heathenry and an Archieria in the Hellenic Alexandrian Witchcraft & Spiritual Tradition as a member of the House of Our Lady of Celestial Fire, E.O.C.T.O..

Ajana has studied astrology since 1975, numerology since 1980, and tarot since 2004. She has offered consultations and readings in numerology and astrology since 1994 and in tarot since 2007.

Clio is an educator, columnist for The Wild Hunt , and death midwife whose writings include contributions to the anthologies – Shades of Faith: Minority Voices in Paganism, and Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community.

A frequent presenter at Paganicon and Mystic South she considers everything in her life to be touched by and guided by the Gods.

Social Media:


Laurelei Black – is a hedge-rider, a Cunning Woman, a traveler on the crooked path. She is a priestess of love and pleasure, an Ishtar-woman, an Aphrodite-woman. She is a friend to daemons and a mate to the Red God. A bone collector; a temple dancer.

Laurelei is the author of several books (including Aphrodite’s Priestess and The Witches’ Key to the Legion: A Guide to Solomonic Sorcery), a co-Director and frequent presenter at the Babalon Rising Festival, an OTO initiate, a co-owner of Camp Midian, and the proud proprietress of Asteria Books and Events and of Blade & Broom.

Website and Social Media:


Najah Lightfoot – is the multi-award-winning author of the best selling, Good Juju ~ Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul. She is the Gold Medal winner of the 2020 COVR Awards, in the category of Wicca, Witchcraft and Magick, and a winner of the 2019 NYC Big Book Award.

She is a fellow of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle, sponsored by Auburn Seminary. Najah lives in Denver, CO. She is also an initiated member of a private New Orleans Vodou Society.

Najah is an in-demand speaker for conferences, classes and events. Her magickal staff is now on display at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft, located in Cleveland, OH.

Her second book, Powerful Juju ~ Goddesses, Music & Magic for Comfort, Guidance & Protection, will be released in September, 2022. Her articles regularly appear in Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, Witches’ Companion, Witches’ Datebook, and Spell-A-Day Series. She is also a contributor to the Library of Esoterica, Volume III, Witchcraft, published by Taschen Books.

Social Media:


Dr. Tamara L. Siuda – is active in both academic and religious spheres, as a professional Egyptologist and Coptologist and the founder of the Kemetic Orthodox Religion.

She is also a mambo (priestess) of Haitian Vodou, under the initiatory name Mambo Chita Tann, and has written numerous books and academic papers about both Egypt and Haiti over the last three decades.

Tamara’s newest book, An Encyclopedia of the Deities of Ancient Egypt, will be published in 2023.

Social Media:

Twitter @tamarasiuda

Instagram @tamara_siuda

Facebook –


Jhenah Telyndru is an author, speaker, and educator. She is the founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon, a Celtic women’s mysteries organization with world-wide membership, and is the academic dean of the Avalonian Thealogical Seminary.

Jhenah holds a masters degree in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, and did her undergraduate studies in archaeology. In addition to her formal studies, Jhenah has delved into Hermetics, magical QBLH, transpersonal astrology, archetypal tarot, and depth psychology in an ongoing quest to further her understanding of the Universe as it manifests within and without.

Her publications include: Avalon Within, The Mythic Moons of Avalon, The Avalonian Oracle, Pagan Portals – Rhiannon: Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons, Pagan Portals – Blodeuwedd: Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty, and Awakening Avalon: The Ninefold Path of the Priestess (Forthcoming 2023).

She teaches four-day residential training retreats around North America and the UK, and facilitates pilgrimages to sacred sites in the British Isles and Ireland through Mythic Seeker Tours. She is a frequent presenter and guest speaker at academic conferences, religious symposia, Women’s Spirituality gatherings, and Pagan festivals. A priestess in the Avalonian Tradition for over 30 years, Jhenah has been following a Pagan path since 1986.

Website and Social Media:



Sydney Bell (MSW) is a psychotherapist, speaker, body-positivity advocate and priestess in the Avalonian Tradition. She believes that by providing spaces to challenge oppressive beauty and health paradigms and instead promote body diversity and radical self-love, we can turn the tide against rampant body dissatisfaction and the negative health outcomes that go with it.

Sydney currently resides in British Colombia with her partner Jon, two dogs and one cat. You can find resources and learn more about her private practice work at:



Morgaine – is a proud member of the Sisterhood of Avalon where she is the Coracle Committee Chairperson and serves as the Fundraising Trustee on the Board of Trustees.  

She is a Priestess, Traditional Herbalist, Writer, Teacher, and Reiki Mistress.

A certified instructor through the Kundalini Research Institute, Morgaine has taught Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for over 20 years. She is also certified in Chair Yoga.

Morgaine is a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach/Facilitator through Imagine A Woman International. She has long been involved in Goddess Spirituality and Feminism, teaching classes and workshops, and Priestessing local Red Tents.

Morgaine is the author of My Name is Isis, the Egyptian Goddess, part of the “My Name is” series of children’s books, as well as a book of poetry, entitled Ebb and Flow. She was an editor and contributor to On the Wings of Isis: Reclaiming the Sovereignty of Auset, a Girl God Books anthology.

A former monthly columnist with, Morgaine’s writings can also be found in The Girl God Books anthologies Whatever Works: Feminists of Faith Speak and Jesus, Mohammed and the Goddess, as well as Mago Publications’ She Rises, Volume 2, and Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess. She has also been published in “Jareeda” and “SageWoman” magazines.


Everyone is welcome to join us for what is sure to be a magical experience!