The Sisterhood of Avalon
Remembering, Reclaiming, Renewing
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Calls for Submissions - Currently Closed

Submission Requirements

Written Submissions

Written work may include scholastic articles, personal essays, meditations, workings, rituals, recipes, poetry, chants, or songs that directly connect to any of the suggested topics as related to the current Call for Submissions.

We prefer submissions that are original content and not already published elsewhere. If you are submitting a piece that has already been published, please be sure the copyright requirements of that publication allow you to submit it to us for subsequent republication and include that information with your submission.

All written work should be in Arial 12-point font, saved as a Word document (.doc, .docx), and include a brief (100 words or less) author bio.

Minimum length- 300 words (except poetry, chants, or songs)

Maximum length- 5,000 words (except poetry)

Chants and songs do not have to be scored. Ninth Wave Press staff are available to help score musical submissions as long as a simple but good quality .mp3/.mp4 recording of the piece is also submitted.

Send submissions as an email attachment to

Visual Art/Image Submissions

Visual art submissions may include original photography or high-resolution images of original paintings, sculptures, etc., that are directly connected to any of the suggested topics as related to the Call for Submissions.

We prefer submissions that are original content and not already published elsewhere. If you are submitting a piece that has already been published, please be sure the copyright requirements of that publication allow you to submit it to us for subsequent republication and include that information with your submission.

All images should be 300 dpi or higher, in either .jpeg or transparent .gif format. Photography and artwork will be published in black & white. Emailed submissions should also include the title of the photo and a brief (100 words or less) photographer/artist bio in the body of the email. Please send image files as an email attachment to

Copyright and Compensation

All proceeds from the sales of Ninth Wave Press Publications will benefit the Sisterhood of Avalon Land Fund. There is no direct compensation for publication, and authors retain copyright of their work. A digital copy of the anthology will be provided to each contributor. Print copies may be available for contributors at cost. Consider your participation in this project as an offering to the Goddess it celebrates and a way to support the sacred land and women’s sanctuary the Sisterhood of Avalon seeks to manifest for all who are drawn to the Holy Isle.

Any questions related to this Call for Submissions may be directed to